Welcome to Martinsville
Welcome to the area of Martinsville, Henry and Patrick counties.
An often-overused cliché is “This is Home.” But for folks who grew up here, as well as those who moved here, that’s what it is. We strive for “Community Proud.“ We want all of our citizens to participate and be proud to say they live here.
‘Move to Martinsville’ is a local non-profit formed in 2019. Our goal is it to help create a vibrant community and tell others about it. You are now a part of it. We hope you will like us on Facebook, and we have a website at movetomartinsvilleva.com with information about our area and our mission.
We hope you will get engaged in all aspects of our Quality of Life offerings. We have put together a packet of information that should help you get up to speed on what is where, and how to find what to do. We sponsor a number of locally-produced social events throughout the year and we will make you aware of those. They are great opportunities to visit a wide range of venues and meet folks from all walks of life.
Part of our mission is promoting area assets within a regional context. The world is now mobile, and folks moving here from congested areas know that. There is no congestion here, unless it’s on the Martinsville Speedway or near one of our canoe and kayak launches. We have much of what you need here, and we have easy access to other metropolitan conveniences.
Our regional effort is called Martinsville Life. Please reach out to us, or one of our community organization partners, if we can answer any questions. We are glad you have chosen to “Move to Martinsville,” and we look forward to seeing you out and about!
Your neighbor,
Dean Johnston President
Move to Martinsville